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How to change the Oil in a Mcculloch M40-450C Lawn Mower

Matthew Published on Apr 02, 2020 View Comments

In this video, we show you how to change the oil on a Briggs and Stratton 450 Series 09T502-0134-B1 Engine for the McCulloch M40-450C Lawnmower.

Health & Safety Warning - Please ensure that you have safely prepared the machine and workspace. If you are unsure about any aspect of the task please seek professional advice.


Today we're going to drain and replace the oil in a Briggs and Stratton 9T502 Engine. While the engine is still warm, change the engine oil If the engine is tipped for storage, the fuel tank must be empty and the spark plug side must be up. Firstly you need to locate the tank cap on the top where the cover is. Then unscrew the cap and place it in a safe space. Using a Vacuum Fuel/Fluid Extractor, place the hose inside. Start to pump the fuel extractor, and leave the leaver still. You will now be able to see the fuel being extracted through the hose. This can take over 10 minutes, so in this time, whilst you are waiting, pop the kettle on and have a brew. Remove the hose from the tank carefully and clean up any spillages. Now identify the min and max markings on the dipstick. You can also check the manufacturer's specifications on the amount of oil you need to fill the tank. Pour the SAE 30 oil into the tank,this can also take time to settle. When the oil has settled keep checking the level against the min and max markings. Every time you check, tighten the tank cap, unscrew the tank cap and pull out carefully. Wipe the dipstick and place it back in the crankcase to get a true reading, and then top up the oil accordingly. Finally when you have finished, tighten the tank cap. That's how you drain and replace the oil in a Briggs and Stratton 9T502 Engine/ M40-450C Mcculloch Lawn Mower.


Parts and tools included in the M40-450c Lawn Mower how-to video.

  • Vacuum Oil Extractor Pump Action - 6 Litre - 806 200
  • NG SAE 30 Engine Oil - 1 Litre - 351 115
  • Cotton Rags 500g - LIBCR500G

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