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Driving in the Snow

L&S Engineers 686 days ago View Comments

Driving in the snow

As the UK is expecting snow this weekend, and throughout Winter we've created a guide to help keep you safe on the road.

Drive Only if Necessary

If you look outside and there is 10cm of Snow ask yourself, is your journey necessary? Its cold, it's slippery, and driving in snow can be dangerous. Getting stuck on the road, or staying in with the heating on and a cup of tea, which sounds better? If you can leave the trip until tomorrow, it might be best to stay inside.

Car Safety – Before you Set Out

Pack an Emergency Car Kit! If you get stuck the last thing you want is to realise that you haven't got any warm clothes, drink or food to keep you going until recovery gets there or the traffic clears.

Emergency Car Kit:

  • Shovel
  • Blanket
  • Warm Clothes
  • Non-Perishable Food
  • First Aid Kit
  • Fully Charged Mobile Phone
  • Jump Leads
  • Ice Scraper & Deicing Fluid
  • Grit, Sand or Cat Litter

It's better to be more prepared, then not be prepared at all. When planning a journey, long or short, you should allow extra time to arrive at your destination, as well as taking a longer route if the normal one takes you through small roads that are unlikely to have been gritted.

Car Maintenance

  • Car tyres are a very important factor in keeping safe this Winter. The recommended tyre thread is 3mm in wet conditions. If the snow continues it might be a good idea to invest in a pair of Winter tyres.
  • Make sure to regularly clean your car in the Winter, the salt used to de-ice the roads can cause corrosion to the metal on your car over time.
  • It is a good idea to get a car health check before the harsh weather sets in,some garages offer this service for free.

Tips for Driving in Snow

  • Make sure your footwear is dry, snow and rain can cause pedals to get extremely slippery.
  • Accelerate and Decelerate Slowly. Remember your stopping distance is greatly increased in wet, slippery weather. Leave plenty of time for your journey, it is going to take longer in extreme weather conditions.
  • When breaking apply firm, steady pressure with the ball of your foot. If you haven't had a service in a while Winter is a good time get these checked.
  • When you approach a bend make sure that you break well before you start turning your wheel.
  • If you are struggling to see through the low Winter sun make sure to have a pair of sunglasses to hand to reduce the glare and strain to your eyes.
  • To ensure best possible control over your vehicle make sure to keep your speed, breaking, acceleration, and gear changes smooth and slow.
  • If you encounter a skid, do not panic, keep your hands firmly on the wheel and steer gently into the spin. Remember if you are accelerating to slowly remove your foot from the pedal. Do not slam on the breaks.

For more advice on how to tackle Winter driving be sure to check out RAC's complete guide to safe driving in the snow.

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