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Climbing Snowden || Raising Money for Autism Aware

Haliena 1601 days ago View Comments

If you've called our sales team you may have spoken to Rhiannon. We are proud to share that last weekend Rhiannon swapped her L&S uniform for a pair of walking boots and warm clothes in aid of the amazing charity, Autism Aware .

The Mountain-Madness team climbed mount Snowden, 28,000 steps in the rain, wind and fog! This huge achievement was part of a drive to raise awareness and money for a charity that really do make magic happen. Rhiannons team have raised a whopping £1,313, with the event in total raising over £11,000 for such a fantastic cause!

Autism Aware is a growing charity founded to help provide support, information and advice to families who are affected by autism. AAUK raises funds that are used to purchase specialist equipment for schools & groups that educate and support people with autism. It really is an incredible charity that is working to erase the stigma around autism.

Below is the justgiving page from the mountain climb if you want to read more about the cause and the experience then please do head over there: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/mountain-ma...

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