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The Stables Housing Horse Power || J.A.P Engines

L&S Engineers 1802 days ago View Comments

J. A Prestwich Industries (JAP), was an English manufacturing company founded in 1895. Alongside Villiers and Lister Petter they were a landmark in British Engineering . They began manufacturing aircraft, motorcar, and stationary engines. JAP engines can still be seen around the country at vintage rallies, with people still staying loyal to them building up there own vintage engine collection. This week we have an article from J.A Prestwich Industries LTD themselves. The article below is taken from J.A.P's handbook. In it's prime the J.A.P works was described as "the stables housing horse power, with quality and efficiency" an apt name for a company that continued to manufacture through two world wars!

If you're interested in seeing the whole booklet just let us know! Did you know we sell JAP some vintage industrial engine spares? Why not check it out, you may find something you need in our Vintage Engine Spares section.

Going back to the beginning of the business J.A.P was formed to produce scientific instruments and experimental apparatus for machines to make and show cinematography films. In 1902 the founder of the company deigned and built his first engine, and went on to showcase his first complete motorcycle in 1903. Throughout the next 5 years the company would continue to create motorcycles until the decision was made to concentrate on engines in 1908.

In the years following, JAP would manufacture shells and aeroplane parts in World War I, finesse their engines, and create high powered light engines for speedway, where they were used by company's including Morgan Motor Co and Reliant. JAP went on to merge completely with Villiers Engineering Company in 1957.

In 1964 the company was completely absorbed by Villiers (at the same time Villiers was being taken over by Manganese Bronze Holdings) To this day JAP engines are an icon of British engineering with enthusiasts often showcasing their refurbished engines.

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